2024 US Patient Advocacy Report Reveals Top Pharmaceutical Companies in Patient Support

The Advocate: Supporting the Patient Voice has released its 2024 US Focused Patient Advocacy Report, offering a comprehensive analysis of the pharmaceutical industry’s engagement with patient advocacy organizations and professional societies. This report, made possible through pharmaceutical sponsorships, serves as a vital resource for understanding innovative approaches to improving patient healthcare.

Johnson & Johnson (J&J) has emerged as the frontrunner in patient advocacy, securing the top spot with five out of five first-place rankings. The company is recognized for its commitment to moving beyond patient centricity to patient partnership, demonstrating a willingness to collaborate with advocacy organizations beyond mere funding. J&J’s holistic approach to building relationships and identifying collaborative opportunities for patients has set a new standard in the industry.

Amgen has shown significant improvement, advancing in four out of five benchmarking categories. Patient advocates praised Amgen for its innovative thinking and multi-level engagement with advocacy groups, focusing on listening, learning, and understanding patient treatment needs.

Pfizer maintained its strong position, ranking second in Advancing Patient Treatment and Patient/Professional Group Relations. The company received commendation for its efforts in obtaining patient perspectives to advance care and improve access, as well as its commitment to patient support and education advancement.

Sanofi demonstrated notable improvement across several measures in the report. Advocates highlighted Sanofi’s exceptional patient engagement and its initiative in fostering health equity education through the formation of community practice groups among patient organizations.

Other pharmaceutical companies also received recognition for their specific strengths. AstraZeneca improved in Policy Support, Eli Lilly excelled with Neurology groups, Merck impressed Non-disease Specific groups, and Bristol-Myers Squibb led in Immunology group relations.

The Advocate’s report underscores the critical importance of patient-centered healthcare decisions across all levels, from doctor’s offices to payers, pharmacy benefit managers, and policymakers. By elevating the voice of patient advocacy organizations, the report aims to guide pharmaceutical companies in aligning their strategies with patient needs and ensuring access to necessary treatments.

This comprehensive analysis serves multiple purposes within the healthcare ecosystem. It provides valuable insights for pharmaceutical advocacy teams, aids in the development and implementation of patient centricity programs, and offers guidance on integrating the patient voice throughout a product’s lifecycle.

The significance of this report extends beyond the pharmaceutical industry. It highlights the evolving landscape of patient advocacy and the increasing importance of collaboration between drug manufacturers and patient groups. This partnership is crucial for addressing healthcare challenges, improving treatment outcomes, and ensuring that patient perspectives are central to medical advancements.

For stakeholders in healthcare, including policymakers, healthcare providers, and patients themselves, the report offers a clear picture of which pharmaceutical companies are leading in patient support and advocacy. This information can influence decision-making processes, from policy formulation to treatment choices.

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, reports like this play a vital role in promoting transparency, fostering accountability, and driving improvements in patient care. By showcasing best practices and areas for improvement, The Advocate’s report encourages a more patient-centric approach across the pharmaceutical sector, ultimately benefiting patients and advancing the quality of healthcare delivery.

Interested parties can learn more about the current report and The Advocate’s work at www.TheBrooksGroupOnline.com.

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This news story relied on a press release distributed by 24-7 Press Release. Blockchain Registration, Verification & Enhancement provided by NewsRamp™. The source URL for this press release is 2024 US Patient Advocacy Report Reveals Top Pharmaceutical Companies in Patient Support.