Maryland Is Among The Top Ten US States Where Americans Spend The Most On Home Renovations

  • Kitchen renovations are the most popular home improvement projects in the US, with 1.8 million Instagram posts with the hashtag #kitchenrenovation.  
  • Americans from New Jersey spend the most on home renovations, approximately $4,634.24 per year. 
  • Homeowners and renters from Maryland and Massachusetts come in second and third place, respectively. 

Real estate experts at have analyzed data detailing expenditures per household on home improvements from the Census Business Builder. In addition to collecting average home improvement spending data in each state, Instagram hashtag data was collected for various rooms in the home to establish the most popular types of home renovations. Below are the top ten most popular home renovations, according to Instagram:

  1. Kitchen renovation – 1,800,000 posts 
  2. Bathroom renovation – 1,400,000 posts 
  3. Basement renovation – 84,400 posts 
  4. Bedroom renovation – 63,300 posts 
  5. Livingroom renovation – 30,500 posts 
  6. Garage renovation – 17,200 posts 
  7. Dining room renovation – 5,000 posts 
  8. Home office renovation – 1,000 posts 

Now that we have established which rooms will most likely receive a makeover, let’s see which US states will spend the most on renovations! 

  1. New Jersey – $4,634.24 

New Jersey comes in first place with an average spend of $4,634.24 on home improvements per household annually. This amount will most likely be spent on kitchen, bathroom or basement renovations. The average kitchen renovation in New Jersey, Middle Atlantic, could range from $27,966 for a minor remodel to $164,263 for a major upscale kitchen remodel. Bathroom renovations could cost anywhere between $25,468 to $78,935.

  1. Maryland – $4,516.97 

Maryland takes second place, with homeowners spending a yearly average of approximately $4,516.97 on home repairs. The average kitchen renovation in Maryland, South Atlantic, could range from $27,279 to $155,709, depending on how elaborate the kitchen will be. In the same region, bathroom remodels can cost from $24,952 for a midrange remodel, to $77,567 for an upscale renovation.

  1. Massachusetts – $4,473.61 

Massachusetts comes in third place, with an average of $4,473.61 spent on home renovations per year. A mid-range kitchen remodel would cost approximately $27,827 in Massachusetts, while a major upscale kitchen remodel could cost up to $167,777. A bathroom renovation in New England could cost between $27,775 and $83,580.

  1. Connecticut – $4,356.67 

Connecticut takes fourth place, with an average spend of $4,356.67 on home improvements per household. The average remodel prices in Connecticut are the same as those in Massachusetts, both in New England.

  1. Hawaii – $4,279.26 

Homeowners and renters in the Hawaii come in fifth place with an average annual expenditure of $4,279.26 on home improvements. The average kitchen renovation in the Pacific region of the US could range between $28,057 to $161,797, depending on the scale of the remodel. Whereas a bathroom could set you back $27,024 for a midrange renovation to $83,096 for an upscale project.

  1. California – $4,268.27 
  2. Virginia – $4,215.85 
  3. New Hampshire – $4,145.47 
  4. Washington – $4,076.25 
  5. Colorado – $3,929.31 

Real estate expert Chris Heller from commented on the study:

“Home renovations have gained massive popularity since the global pandemic, as homeowners wish to enhance their living space and potentially add value to their home. The kitchen is a great place to start any renovation projects as it is the heart of the home and a valuable communal space for those wanting to buy a new home. Homeowners who embark on a kitchen renovation could expect to see a 30.7% to 85.7% return on their investment when selling their home.”

Instagram hashtags for home renovations in particular areas of the home  

US states yearly expenditure on home improvements ($) 

*District of Columbia would take fifth place if recognized as an official state.